

Godly writers aren’t extinct yet (thank God), and brings them together online. It’s an online community where Christian writers can go and talk about anything, especially writing (of course). It’s also a place where writers can show their works to friends, family members, and even prospective publishers! There are also free tutorials on writing contributed by seasoned authors and even a writing challenge, which accounts for a big percentage of my involvement in the site.

I’m happy with the site because you are under no obligation to contribute anything, but you’ll feel like it once you find your member page blank. A free online presence is always advantageous for the serious writer, who spends most of the time slaving away in the real world and using spare time to write a couple of hundred words, or going around the dreaded writer’s block. Promoting oneself is time-consuming, and having your profile and sample works online in a writer’s group website makes it easier for writers to make one's works available for the viewing of an international audience, and make one's faith known.

Check out my profile here. Yeah, I need to work on my writing.



The sites I'm at, the sites I like, the sites of friends, the sites I find useful...they all deserve a writeup. If it's here, you have to see it, because I want you to.
